
The phonebook displays all contacts in an alphabetical order.

You can filter the list to show contacts by their name, email or telephone number. You can also order all the contacts in an ascending or descending order by category (e.g. Company Name, First Name, and Last Name).



Category Description

Name: Shows the name of the contact.
Surname:Shows the last name of the contact.
Company:  Shows the Company name for the contact.
  • Call: callyou can select which number to call (e.g. company, phone, other etc) by clicking on the phone icon.
  • Details: details iconYou can see the details of the contact by clicking on the details icon.
  • Edit: edit iconYou can change the contact information by clicking on the edit icon.
  • Delete: deleteYou can delete the contact by clicking on the delete icon.

You can add a new contact by clicking on ‘add a new contact’ iconadd_icon. You can define the information (e.g. Company, Owner and whether other users can alter the contact or not) and  enter the following contact field information (name, surname, company name, office number, home number, mobile number, fax number and other number, email). 

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